Equine Gestalt & Facilitation


I am not what I have done in my life. But all the things I have done, the beings I have known and loved, the lands I have stewarded, and all my varied interests and experiences have sculpted the person I am today. This year, 2024, marks three-quarters of a century that I have been blessed to live on and work with the land in many diversely beautiful places on this stunning earth. I am patient, curious and creative with good listening skills. I hold confidentiality gently and securely.


In this work, no horse experience is required. Rather than riding the horse, we connect with the presence of the horse in a grounded and experiential way. This method offers a gentle and beautiful way to open the heart, which, as I age, allows me to continue to make a positive contribution in this world. I want a rich and meaningful purpose for the rest of my life. Working out-of-doors and partnering with horses as an Equine Gestaltist™ and Equine Facilitator™ are ways that align with my values and allow me to accomplish that. I have always been drawn to elders, their stories and wisdom. Now that I am an elder, I still find myself drawn to them, and want to work with them, their families and caregivers. Thus, my niche is ‘Connected Aging’.


Gestalt is a German word that loosely refers to the way our many parts of self form a whole in this moment. A client’s self awareness and self responsibility are at the center of Gestalt. I want to share this work to give you the opportunity to set down the unneeded emotional baggage that no longer serves you. This moves you toward a natural life of spontaneity, self-compassion, connection and joy.

Our Mission

It is the mission of An Old Grey Mare to engage our clients with integrity so they may access their own hard-earned wisdom and resilience to explore and grow bringing them clarity for moving forward with grace and freedom, and toward a life of ease, joy and connected aging.

The Equine Gestalt Coaching Method™ was developed by Melisa Pearce, a core founder since 1989 of the horse-human healing movement. The experiential nature of the method involves the horse as an active partner with the coach in the client’s exploratory process. The integrative approach of the equine’s interaction combined with positive coaching , somatic awareness guidance and Gestalt methodology assists the client in examining his or her life and choices made with a focus on designing a positive future. For more information about EGC™ and Facilitation programs go to: www.touchedbyahorse.com


Ongoing Equine Experiences

Meditation Monday with Horses - Mon 10a

Books in the Barn - Mon 1:30p

Groom at Noon - Tue 12p

Equine, Elders and Exercise - Wed 10a

Equine Gestalt Coaching™

Initial Consult (30 min Phone or Zoom)

Single Private Sessions (90 min with horse)

Coaching Package of 4 sessions including:

3 - 30-min phone or Zoom sessions

1 - 1.5-hour session with coach & horse

Equine Workshops & Retreats

Groups & Families

Small Groups: 6 to 10 (max)

Half to Full-Day Workshop


“Cassie is a dynamic coach. I loved how ​grounded and present she was with me ​during our 6 sessions together. I would ​give her an A+ for meeting with me where ​I was and encouraging me to stretch ​gently to discover incredible life changing ​ah-ha’s. These new discoveries are ​improving my life and allowing space for ​more joy & celebration. Cassie is ​wonderful!” - Katrina, Colorado

“Cassie’s approach to our Gestalt ​session was incredible. She brought ​awareness to me of something I’ve been ​holding onto since I was a child. I felt a ​huge release and feel as though I will ​not be carrying that baggage with me ​anymore. I highly recommend Cassie as ​a coach.” - Debbie, Forest Hills, MD

“Cassie is a lovely person to spend time ​with & a dedicated coach. I could feel she ​wanted me to complete these areas of my ​wheel as much as I did. She never got ​down on me or admonished me for not ​completing a task, she simply refocused ​me and asked “what parts of self” I was ​bringing in at that moment. It was very ​motivating and revealing. For me, this is ​what defines a great coach, someone ​who wants you to succeed. Thank you ​Coach Cassie!” - Lea, Wimberly, TX

“Cassie is a phenomenal coach. Her ​tenderness and patience helped me ​unpack and discover my personal ​truth. Her guidance and thoughtful ​manner allowed me to be curious, led ​me to new awareness's that will serve ​me well as I reframe my future self.”

- Shelly, New York

“Cassie has a way about her that ​instantly put my mind at ease. She is ​an amazing listener and knows how ​to reach in and grab the places that ​need tended to. Her patience and ​ability to listen while hitting the nail ​on the head with her questions is the ​perfect blend of coaching.”

- Carolyne, Charlevoix, MI

Cassie - your presence is one of calm ​assurance and safety. It draws your ​client out into a warm, soft blanket of ​self-exploration.”

- Dawn, Elizabeth, CO

Get started today!

Inyo Ranch LLC est. 2023

Home of An Old Grey Mare and Horse Sense Healing


He was a lovely greenbroke 3 year-old buckskin gelding, and I was smitten at first sight. As I ​entered his pen at the horse sale, he walked right over to sniff me. He was curious and ​without hesitation. He reached right up and gently smelled my head and I thought, “Right back ​in YO face, horse!” Forever, after I bought him, he was ‘Inyo’ to me.

We partnered on the ranch in Montana, for 15 years. Inyo and I pushed cow pairs up into the ​mountains in the spring and brought them down in the fall. In doing all ranch chores, Inyo ​was steady and level-headed.

Over the years, I became my mother’s caregiver as she slid into dementia. The time came ​when she and I moved to Helena, and I had to sell my cattle and 2 horses. I was not ready to ​leave the ranch. It had been my home and job and identity for 33 years, and I loved it.

A neighbor, June, bought Inyo from me to put into the remuda of horses for her beautiful guest ​ranch. Adam, another rancher, generously brought his trailer to haul Inyo to the guest ranch ​for me. When I called to ask June where to take Inyo to unload, she said “You will drive right ​through the pasture where the rest of my horses are. Just let him out there where you can see ​them. Then come up to the Lodge and I will pay you”

Driving into the mountains through her family’s ranch, we got to the pasture where we could ​see the horse herd off to the west across a beautiful creek. We stopped and let Inyo out and I ​said goodbye; my heart shattered. As we pulled away, Inyo started trotting after us, calling. ​Adam picked up speed and Inyo finally had to drop back. As we traveled back down the ​mountain, we discovered Inyo in the same place we had left him. As we passed by, he started ​running after us, whinnying. He was very upset; I was emotionally wracked.

I was sure he was in a safe place and would be very well cared-for. However, some time ​later, June called to ask me if it was okay with me to give Inyo to a nice ranch family with little ​kids who would love him. He was just not thriving in her herd. I told her he was her horse ​now and I would trust her to do the right thing.

During the time Mom and I were first in Helena, I took dressage lessons on a lovely ​Friesian/Arab cross mare, Bonny Blue. One day as I was trotting Bonny around the outdoor ​arena under the tutelage of Carol Nichols, a wise and excellent dressage instructor (and ​Rubenfeld Synergist), I had been thinking about June’s request to rehome Inyo. All of a sudden ​I burst into tears and could not stop sobbing. Carol walked over and asked “What’s up?” I told ​her about having to leave Inyo behind when I left the ranch. She placed her hands around my ​knee and asked, “Did you ever tell him why you left him?” I was still on Bonny (grounded) and ​Carol (grounded) held my knee. I sobbed, “NO!” Carol said quietly, “Close your eyes, take a deep ​breath, and visualize him standing right in front of you… tell him what you just told me.”

I did what she said. In my mind, I could see Inyo as he listened and I heard him forgive me, ​even though he was physically over a hundred miles away. Carol and Bonny Blue held space ​for me the whole time. I have always known that I feel good when I am around or riding ​horses; Inyo showed me a deeper side: sentient, wise, and kind.

Not long after this episode, I described my telepathic experience to June. She thanked me for ​sharing and said Inyo had all of a sudden ‘turned around'. She kept him in her herd, and he ​lived 12 years on June’s family ranch. He was over 30 years old when he died and is buried on ​that ranch. His name adorns the horse property where I do Equine Gestalt Coaching: Inyo ​Ranch, LLC.

Petting Inyo (age 30)

The glow of our indoor arena at night

Inyo, the inspiration

The Healing Herd

Dewey is a smart Welsh Pony. He is ​trained for riding and driving.

Red & Hoss came with the ranch. They are best friends! Red is a quiet ​and curious Quarter Horse. Hoss, a Haflinger is the boss.

Promos and Offers

Early Bird Discount

Find out how to get early bird pricing on our upcoming events. Stay tuned!


An Old Grey Mare Club

Surround yourself with connection through An Old Grey Mare community. We enjoy the company of seniors in a relaxing atmosphere!

Horse in the Barn

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An Old Grey Mare

Equine Gestaltist™ & Equine Facilitation™

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Fort Harrison, MT 59636

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